
The Fight Against 'Big-News'

Still from The Young Turks, TYT Democratic Debate Night Coverage (c. 2016)

Do you have any pet causes or issues that you are truly passionate about? Do you ever wish that your local news, or the big media networks [CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.] covered issues that you feel they are ignoring? I know I do. It's hard not to get hooked into the political narrative and bias that drives the corporate media. All the pretty people, the expensive sets, and big name guests are compelling; waiting for all those commercial breaks touting new pharmaceuticals, investment funds, big banks, big oil, and medical insurance annoy me no end. Is there anything out there that you can really turn to for factual stories and non-mainstream talking points? You bet there is, and it isn't all 'fake' news.

Fake news is the cause celeb of the moment, it's what happens when the mainstream media screws over it's viewers so routinely that they look elsewhere for both information and entertainment. In the information age, it is all too easy to get phished in by propaganda sites that seem to reflect a viewer's own agenda and opinions. Unfortunately these sources routinely and maliciously plants stories with no basis in fact or only a marginal association with reality. They are meant to appear as credible sources of news, but often offer up recycled urban legends and conspiracy theories.

The danger of these faux news sources cannot be understated. Recently, we saw a vigilante shooting outside a small neighborhood pizza restaurant. The act was inspired by a false rumor about a politically linked child molestation ring in the pizzeria's basement. After receiving a number of threats and much abusive behavior, the circulation of the 'Pizzagate' story went viral. Culminating in an armed man firing off a live round of ammunition in a misguided attempt to find justice, it was discovered there was no such basement at all. The fired bullet, which embedded in a nearby structure, narrowly missed patrons and pedestrians. This is a small scale example of the seriousness with which internet propaganda should be consumed, a larger operation was at play during the recent US Election.

TYT Politics reporter Jordan Chariton corners DNC Interim-Chair Donna Brazile. (c. 2016)

So where can you turn for reliable alternatives to 'Big-News'? The answer is independent journalism and small local operations that are free from corporate influence. If you see large private company advertisements, be wary. For example, if your favorite news source is funded by 'Big Pharma', you have to think critically about the medical stories they offer. How likely is it that a news anchor, and the organization he or she represents, would report a story about the cost of prescription medications if it would mean losing that commercial sponsor. If a news channel is owned by the same people that own McDonald's restaurant, how inclined might they be to report on the dangers of fast-food? Not very likely.

When media sources are funded at the grassroots with small donations from everyday consumers, free of corporate bondage, they are more likely to present important stories that matter to those viewers. What you then find is that the reporting is more responsive to the audience, fact finding becomes paramount, and commentary or discussion can vary from one presenter to the next. It is the viewership feedback, it's rise or fall, that puts journalists feet to the flames of truth. Without all the shiny new 'pop-news' tricks, it's much easier to see any biases and decide for yourself whether you will continue to patronize a provider of information content.


Stand Up / Stand N Rock (Official Video)

Still from the Stand Up / Stand N Rock Video

Something worth sharing far and wide, Taboo Nawasha (of The Black Eyed Peas) just released this beautiful and inspiring song about standing up for Standing Rock. Make sure you give it a watch, for me it was love at first listen. It features voices from across the #NoDAPL Movement, and it has some amazing First Nations dancers too.

Also, there is a website address that follows the video for People's Climate Music, which has a letter you can sign to thank all Water Protectors for their sacrifice, their acts of courage, and leading with peace. Sign this note and all your names will be shared with leaders of the Standing Rock Sioux. I urge you to add your name to the list, their fight was not a selfish one, it was meant to save the water for all of us who depend on it for life. Mni Wiconi means Water is Life or Water is Sacred, both are true and so very important for us to remember at this critical moment in the Climate Crisis.


Why My Tribe Must Stand With Standing Rock

I am the member of a Tribe, but I am neither Native American nor Canadian First Nations. I am not an Indigenous or Aboriginal person. I have no homeland to call my own, because I am the proverbial 'Wandering Jew'. My people wander the earth, immortal in our ability to transmit our culture through generations, but without a homeland or place to rest until the end of time.

I was raised in a Conservative Jewish home, I went to Hebrew School, I went to synagogue with my family. We celebrated Jewish holidays, practised ancient traditions, ate some pretty impressive food, and remembered our people's history. My family is descended on both sides from the Tribes of Y'israel, not the most holy Cohen Tribe. You might know something of the Cohen Tribe, Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame introduced a very critical piece of Jewish religiosity in the symbol of the Vulcan Salute. He first noted this hand gesture as a child when in temple with his family, whose Cohen roots called for special observances, one of which was making the hand signal presenting the Hebrew letter Shin (ש meaning Shaddai, another name for g-d) during the most high holidays, such as Yom Kippur. The point is, the Jewish people have a Tribal history rich and vibrant as any Indigenous culture, and we share one more thing, a history of brutality and genocide against our people.

To me the Jewish practice of Tikkun Olam, a concept defined by acts of kindness performed to perfect or repair the world, is my guiding principle.

I am a survivor too, not just from general anti-semitism, but because I am descended of an orphan of the Holocaust. My ancestors were driven from their homeland to place to yet another place, facing religious and ethnic persecution at every turn. My maternal grandfather (may his memory be but a blessing) was the youngest of his family of 8 brothers and sisters living in Mezerich, in what is now the Ukraine. He was the only one not yet married, and the only one without children. His parents were aged, and he was sponsored to come to Canada in the early thirties by a Canadian family, where he first worked in a lumber camp in Manitoba, but later settled in what is now Thunder Bay, Ontario. My grandfather never turned a hungry man away from his home, when he was married and settled he often had young Jewish refugees to Canada join his family for meals on the Sabbath, sharing what little they had. He also worked in his tiny Jewish community, preparing burial clothes without knots in the stitching so the soul can freely leave the body. Like many Indigenous groups, we have very important ways of honoring and remembering our dead.

When my Zaida went back to Poland, to the Shtetl to visit his family, on what would be his final time, he sailed the oceans for weeks. At a time when you travelled long voyages on ships, you planned to stay for more than a few days. When he arrived, his family knew what was coming for them, the Nazi party had risen to power in Germany, and they were fearful he might not be allowed to leave. He left as soon as it could be arranged. On his return to Canada's safe embrace, he wrote letter after letter to the dozens upon dozens of family and friends he left behind by no choice of his own. No letter ever got through. They were all returned to his empty hands and heart.

We now know the entire town was rounded up and shot into a mass grave nearby. Women, children, the elderly, each and every person were slaughtered for no other reason than being who they were, born into a different set of beliefs, but still so very human, so entitled to live a life free of tyranny and violence. He had only one cousin, a fragile and gentle woman, who survived under the care of her resourceful husband and his connections with a network of Polish farmers who hid them in holes dug deep into the earth under withering fields for years. She had a serious mental breakdown during her time in the freezing ground, she never got over the loss of her family, not ever, and her luck in making it to the US after the war, to live in Detroit, Michigan was the only thing that saved her.

My maternal grandmother had wanted to be a nurse, but was dissuaded as it wasn't something nice Jewish girls did. She instead volunteered her spare time to work in a local hospital for the mentally ill. She was one of the first in her large family born in Canada, and had remarkable progressive parents. On occasions they even let her eat non-kosher food if she chose to do so, as she was the one in control of her own person. I know that my mother is the product of their influence and modelling, and I followed in kind. I am the Nurse my grandmother was not allowed to be, and it is a connection to her I will always treasure.

I am no longer religious, I choose to call myself spiritual; I believe in something that connects and surrounds us all, a power in people and in nature and the universe that is magical and wondrous and continues on and on. To me the Jewish practice of Tikkun Olam, a concept defined by acts of kindness performed to perfect or repair the world, is my guiding principle. The phrase is found in the Mishnah, a body of classical rabbinic teachings, is often used when discussing issues of social policy, insuring a safeguard to those who may be at a disadvantage. It is the very basis of my essence, a belief in Social Justice, Human Rights, and Civil Rights for each and every being on this planet. We will gain more from the lifting up of others than we can ever learn from dividing and labeling. We have richer lives through embracing our diversity and commonality than by fighting it.

My views on the State of Israel are conflicted, and not really something I generally care to discuss. I do however find the ongoing war against innocent Palestinians to be the most shameful aspect of Israeli politics, and as I am Ashkenazi (European) as opposed to Sephardic (Middle-Eastern) I do not see Israel as my homeland, certainly not as it exists today. But I have hope. We must recognize that the 'Jewish State' is currently at war with another Indigenous population, and I cannot condone it.

But what has this got to do with the Indigenous Peoples of North and South Dakota, the Lakota and Sioux Nations? It is very simple. They have historically faced the same religious violence, forced migration, and outright genocide in even greater numbers than the Jewish people. Religion aside, it is wrong, it was wrong in Nazi occupied Europe, and it is wrong in every other part of the world where the First Nations and Aboriginal people face ongoing abuses to this day, and it is wrong at Standing Rock.

We may have spread far and wide, but when you look at our DNA, we are all family, we are all of the same Tribe, we are humanity itself.

We must come together as Tribal peoples, Jews (religious or not) and Native Americans share a similar tragic history. Our strength of culture and will to survive in the face of the most heinous treatment is the same. Our desire to connect to each other, to the land, to educate our own children to be able to face the harsh realities in the world mirror each other. Memory is important to us, our history is our shared legacy to our children. But most importantly, we cannot rest on our promise to never let it happen again. The Jewish people, though fewer in numbers, scattered across the globe, and divided by different adherence to religious and spiritual beliefs, have managed to bring the world's attention to our history, we are visible - but most importantly, we can also move with a degree of invisibility as a minority. Financially, the successes of our people have given us a voice and a presence that, although under greater anti-semitic threat that in previous eras, allows us to demand protection from governments and the United Nations. Indigenous peoples have less visibility, less mainstream voices, and therefore they are often set aside or misunderstood by those who refuse to acknowledge their shattering history.

The First Nations people I know personally are some of the most spiritually self-actualized people of my acquaintance. The have an innate ability to take the abuses they have faced and move through them with dignity and a grace I will never accomplish. I cannot speak for every single individual, and in every group, even my own, there are those whose actions I cannot condone. But I see so much common ground, so many echoes with my own history, that I cannot help but feel connected to the Water Protectors and every other person who is standing up and speaking out about the ongoing indignities being perpetrated against Native Americans. Their sovereign lands, their religious and spiritual places, their life sustaining resources are being destroyed in the name of greed, and it is unconscionable.

If my 'Hebrew' Tribe cannot see that we are connected to every other Tribe and every other oppressed group facing government interventions meant to steal vital resources and sacred lands, then we have learned nothing. We have learned nothing from our own history, and nothing from the values intellectuals and scientists who are telling us that we have already passed the point of no return on Climate Change. If we do not "Stand with Standing Rock" now, then we will have the blood of future generations on our hands, because together, we can stop this history from repeating.

When they burned down our Synagogues, destroyed our cemeteries and used our ancestors headstones to pave their roads, we were horrified. We wondered why the world was ignoring our plight, We prayed that it would end, that life would return to normal, that we could travel and practise our religion openly and with pride. We saw the desecration of our most sacred places, we were fed scraps and treated like animals housed in blocks behind barbed wire. We were witness to the ashes of our friends, families, neighbors, and communities being blown in great grey clouds over our living dead bodies, mere shells of bodies too weak and terrorized to think or protest.

We are seeing people tossed into prisons, their Human Rights violated, terrorized, numbered, and separated from their fellow Protectors.

Now we see the razor wire going up around Turtle Island, a sacred burial and prayer site. We see the militarized 'Oil Police' committing war crimes upon an unarmed, peaceful group of Water Protectors. We see people tossed into prisons, their Human Rights violated, terrorized, numbered, and separated from their fellow Protectors. We see misinformation moving through the media, propaganda from Energy Transfer Partners and North Dakota Governor Dalrymple. We see threats of restrictions on food, water, building supplies, and necessities of life being moved to the Oceti Sakowin Camp. The government of North Dakota is literally trying to 'Concentrate' the population of Protectors, remove all non-Native residents, and actively jam and block access to the media and communication with the outside world. The jailing and maiming of Journalists trying to cover the events and pass the story on to people outside of Standing Rock has been a hallmark of this movement. We have seen the denial of Emergency Services, medication for arrested individuals being withheld, and growing aggression from Dakota Access Pipeline builders and contractors. We have leaders that remain silent at this critical moment in history. Does this not strike anyone else as an echo of the Holocaust we swore we would never forget? I cannot be the only one to see the irony of Bankers and Politicians (some of them of Jewish heritage) perpetuating and participating in these Human Rights abuses on the most oppressed peoples in the United States today.

We must stand up, we must stand together. We all are descended of the same genome, the same ancient ancestors. We may have spread far and wide, but when you look at our DNA, we are all family, we are all of the same Tribe, we are humanity itself. I will forever stand beside those who face the kinds of oppression my ancestry has known through the ages. My heart is with the Water Protectors who have not only faced such a history, but still have managed to stay connected to the land, and still understand the connection between humans and the environment. It is the Indigenous peoples ability to see into the future that makes them so remarkable, for they can see something many of us cannot. We have one planet, one place to live, all of us share in it's ability to heal and thrive and flourish, and we will all share in it's destruction if we don't make this course correction now.


Stand with Standing Rock

Dear President Obama,

President Obama, I was hoping you were finally going to take action to stop the rape of the land and the poisoning of the water going on right now in North Dakota, and halt and/or re-route the Dakota Access Pipeline. Your legacy is a sum total of nothing if you continue to ignore the cries of women, men, children, and elders who only want to protect those lands that they were relegated to after America was colonized, the lands you have forgotten, the people you have decided to forget.

You said you would stand for native rights, you lied. The have dug up sacred lands, now they want to poison the drinking water of millions, and they are ignoring your orders to stop at the water and wait until the Army Corps. of Engineers reassesses the 'situation'. In a recent interview you stated you were "going to see how it plays out", when there is irrefutable evidence that construction is full steam ahead. The oil company doesn't care about fines, they are going to make billions either way. They have no concern for Americans, and if you fail to act, you are saying you don't care either.

No one is watching, or 'observing', as the oil company Energy Transfer Partners, now begin to drill and are ready to go under the lake within two weeks. They tried to slip that bit of news by on Election Day, they wanted as few people to see it as possible, and they love that the media is focussed on doing a post-election autopsy. 

What Energy Transfer Partners, doesn't want you to know - they have brought in police who are pepper spraying, arresting, and firing rubber bullets at unarmed peaceful Indigenous people on their own ancestral lands. They arrest as many journalists as they can and stop any attempt to film what is actually going on at Standing Rock. Obama, you can stop it, but you won't because you have shown yourself to be a coward. The police are facing the wrong way, the ones breaking your orders are not the protectors, they are the construction workers and oil company that feels they are untouchable. Are they untouchable? 

Obama, you took campaign money from Big Oil, are you in their pocket? Now a lame-duck President, you just want it all to go away. It won't go away, people will die trying to protect their water, I know they will.

Your successor Mr. Trump won't stop it, he will make it worse. The next administer of the EPA is slated to be a noted Climate Change denier, I doubt he will even care. We are at a critical point in the battle for the environment and to stop climate change before it is too late. Even if they reverse your decision, at least you will have done the right thing. People will remember that. We have to stop the drilling, mining, and fracking and leave it in the ground, we must shift to renewable energy now.

Barack Obama, please keep your word and stop using Native Land as an alternative whenever an affluent white area refuses to allow a pipeline through. Bismarck ND (largely white population) refused to allow the pipeline to near their residents. All pipelines spill, a lot, and it's only a matter of time before the water will be poison and people will die. Please Mr. President, say no to the Dakota Access Pipeline. This shouldn't still be happening, not in our lifetime, not ever. Money is not life, water is life; please save the humans and animals that depend on that water. We are at a point of no return. This will be your legacy one way or the other, what side of history do wish to be on? Show us your humanity, your basic human decency. Show your daughters that you care about the planet they, and their children, will inherit.


The Water Protectors of the World.


Canary In A Coal Mine

I am sitting here and wondering if there any way that Canadians or other foreign 'Berniecrats' can help support the Brand New Congress (BNC), a movement within the Democratic Party to get grassroots non-establishment non-corporate candidates to shun big money and listen to the people, all of them. We are your closest neighbor, and I believe that Canada and the US will both thrive with a true Liberal Progressive government. I will absolutely not violate any laws or restriction on PAC donations from non-American citizens. I can however donate time and energy - phone banking or getting the word out in other ways. As a Registered Nurse, I am thrilled to see the BNC reaching out to those in the Healthcare field who have seen the problems of the uninsured and underinsured first- hand.

Canada, and much of the allied world, is incensed with the current political climate in the US. Though our elected leaders have to be careful and diplomatic about the words they use, the majority of Canadians chose as their Prime Minister a man with one of the most progressive agendas we have seen on the current political stage. We chose a Populist leader too, but we were very lucky. It is shocking to me that the DNC did not predict this wave of populism, while at the same time it doesn't surprise me at all. The DNC should have paid more attention to what was going on in the 51st State (aka Canada). Justin Trudeau was not an accident, people wanted change. While they are still sorting it all out on the legislature side, no one truly fears our leader and his ability to lead all Canadians, even those who did not want his government.

They stopped listening to the electorate, stopped checking in with their base and were apparently blindsided by the low turnout, anger, and frustration of the people.

I need to find a sort of FAQ with ideas that non-American Progressive advocates can pursue in the hopes of seeing a more decent, honest, informed and worthy candidate in line for the POTUS. I think most Americans will be fixated on having better presidential candidates in the future, regardless of policy or party. Just like the majority of Democrats, I honestly think that voters on both sides were motivated by who they 'didn't like' more than they want to admit at the moment. Buyers remorse will begin to settle in rather quickly when President-elect Trump ignores the very working class that put him in office. He can't bring back jobs that efficient robots have replaced, he will repeal the affordable care act and leave in it's place a gaping vacuum, and he can't force anyone into bringing back foreign assets to be taxed. The Republicans will never punish corporate America or the companies that choose to move their ventures offshore or across borders.

It is going to be brutal for a while and it's going to take some time but we need to move beyond the blame game, it keeps our energy in the past. I am still working through it, it takes time to get over what for many was a shocking outcome. We all need to use our voices to let the DNC know that their reign of elitist corporate puppets is over and the people are ready, able, and willing to take their party and country back from the hands of a man and his Republican Enablers who supported a man who stands for everything and nothing at the same time.

So I ask the corporate media shills, can you see him now?

This horrid election season gives me hope that the DNC and its candidates will smarten up and not allow this to happen again. Superdelegates and the current DNC chosen by the party have to go; they forced Clinton on the voters, not the other way around and that's why they lost. They stopped listening to the electorate, stopped checking in with their base, and were apparently blindsided by the low turnout, anger, and frustration of the people. Progressive got it right all along, and they are still correct in the light of all that's happened.

I am thinking of all my American friends and family constantly, but I have hope that in two years the new Democrats will get this right and begin to flip the House/Senate. In four years the job of the Presidency will be filled by the most popular President America has ever seen, if the DNC does this right. I really believe this will galvanize future voters and generations to take elections more seriously and use their voting privileges regardless of party preference. That is a good thing for a true Democracy. More voices, not less, are needed now and in the future to steer the US in the right direction. The next two years will be a painful cautionary tale, but America will bounce back stronger and better if they learn their lessons and embrace the power of community. Kids growing up today will understand the seriousness of future elections, they have access to information that we never did, they are savvy and will not easily fooled by another hateful conman-in-chief. Just pray and/or protest all decisions that will destroy our climate and environment - that can't be undone. Everything else can be fixed or negotiated. We know better now so we can be better in the future, that is an incredibly important lesson to take away from this election. Bernie Sanders was the "Canary in the Coal Mine" of American politics and the DNC treated him like a joke. Now Americans have a dangerous joke as a president. Way to break America DNC, you couldn't have planned for a worse outcome. So I ask the corporate media shills, CAN YOU SEE HIM NOW?


TROPHY: Ending The 'Sport' of Bear Hunting

Lush Cosmetics Presents: TROPHY

It may not be a surprise to learn that I do not understand 'sport' hunting. Primarily, I do not believe in the eradication of a number of highly endangered species as part of an acceptable 'tourist holiday' alternative. I don't understand gun culture, nor how it is sporting to exploit technology and the local ecosystem. Shoot paper targets or clay pigeons, use video simulators or special effects to recreate conditions, but do not destroy a species just for a mounted corpse or a gruesome throw rug. This is not a necessary evil, it is an individualise desire to dominate something or anything to make themselves feel a false sense of control in a world that is not ours to control.

Before anyone takes my head of for not supporting the rights of those who depend on hunting as their livelihood, I do believe in the basic understanding that those with a connection to the land (such as Indigenous or Aboriginal Peoples) and to those who live a hunter gatherer lifestyle where they hunt to live on a personal level will kill bears when necessary. Not to sell or exploit the animals, but as a source of food or barter for necessities of life, or as the result of a tragic meeting. When you see animals as part of a complex ecosystem, as a necessary part of Mother Nature's beautiful and awesome set of inherent checks and balances, you understand the need to take only what is needed, and not what is cruel and beneath humanity's dignity.

We know, now more than ever, how little meat is actually necessary for a healthy diet. We are beginning to understand that all animals feel pain, that meat is a luxury good, not a necessity for most people. We are seeing the results of our ecological choices and the consequences of our ignorance about each animal's connection to the larger picture. We can decide to protect these animals, we can stop the slaughter and learn to watch and understand the vital role that Bears and other 'trophy' kills have in the wider ecosystem, ultimately.

This film is presented by LUSH Cosmetics, a place where I get the most yummy smelling vegan shampoo and conditioner in the history of ever, and I am always so proud of the causes they back and promote through their website. All have proved to be worthy and well researched environmental or social justice causes, and all are worth sharing. You can read more about Killing For Sport and LUSH Cosmetics by following these links. 


Calling Out 'Nasty' Behavior

Why That 'Nasty' Comment Got Us All Riled Up

It is the comment heard around the world, the "Nasty Woman"-gate if you will. During the third and final presidential debate, if Mr. Trump had said "That was a nasty dig/comment/thing to say" instead of calling Secretary Clinton a 'nasty woman', this entire nasty incident would be a non-issue.

What makes it an issue is that it is the epitome of who Donald Trump is. What Trump lacks is the basic ability to understand the impact of his choice of words. It is a sign of immaturity. It is a matter of higher understanding to be able to separate an act or comment from the person(s). What he claims is a war on 'political correctness', is actually his lack of interest, after some seventy years on this earth, in the feelings or basic dignity of others.

You can dislike someone's behaviour or actions, you can disagree with a person's politics, that is absolutely essential to the American democratic system. But one of the first things you learn as you develop relationships is that you can be civil, close, kind, and maybe love someone, even if you don't happen to like their behaviour or opinions on certain things. It should be the basis of every marriage, parenting relationship, work environment, government, educational environment, etc.;

When your toddler throws a down on the floor flailing screaming tantrum in the grocery store, you may be righteously pissed or embarrassed or frustrated, but you still love your child. You still can empathise with being a little person who is having a meltdown, maybe because they are frustrated too, or tired, or hungry, or thirsty, or they don't understand what they are experiencing. They are not 'bad' or 'nasty' children, they are acting/saying/behaving in a manner that you dislike greatly in the moment, but as an adult - we can still see the individual as deserving of respect and decency and compassion even. We do our best as parents and remember that we love these people desperately, we want them to be successful and able to moderate their emotions and thrive, we want them to learn compassion and empathy too.

I know Secretary Clinton made a calculated comment in reference to the lack of proof that Mr. Trump has ever paid federal taxes. I wasn't impressed by it, I know the story about Trump's refusal to release his taxes, I know there is serious speculation that a billion dollar loss he took may have allowed him to defer taxes for some 18 years. I don't approve of 'nasty' comments and asides during a debate, they are not relevant and waste time. But it had the desired effect, Trump couldn't help himself. Instead of using that moment to be the bigger person, to be the adult he should be, he attacked her entire person - not her comment, not to refute the claim and explain why it was wrong, not to advance the discussion, Trump attacked her very essence and then tied it to her being a woman. He didn't say "You are a nasty person', he was caught in the moment and it was absolutely candidly Trump, referring to women with particular terms; weak, lacking stamina, ugly, and yes, nasty.

Even if you don't agree with them, they still deserve civil behaviour

The point of all my rambling is thus, when you are seeking public office, and you are trying to represent all your constituents, the people in addition to your party and platform - even if you don't agree with them all they still deserve your respect and civil behaviour, because you are charged with the mantle of representing their views and needs; not your own. So you need to measure your words, they have impact, think of the most famous Presidential remarks in history. Think of moments of crisis, the ability to see people separate from their beliefs or acts is essential for any leader. Seeing civilians in war zones as human, even if their governments or leaders are acting in a way that is meant to provoke the US into a conflict.

In addition, American children are in the process of learning about the American Democracy System. They will be exposed to elections, campaigns, and events that are happening in real time. As future politicians, voters, tax paying citizens - they deserve to see the best examples of campaigns and ideals, ones they can watch without a censor to evaluate it's appropriateness for children. Certain things, world events, disasters are not meant for a child's unprepared consumption, parents understand that they have a job to do. But a child growing up in US needs to be able to have a president they can respect and maybe even admire for their positive attributes, one they can watch undertaking one of the most important jobs in the world.

Trump has no ability to moderate his impulses, he doesn't think before he speaks. It's not about being politically correct, it's about showing others the respect they deserve as human beings. Understanding that there are circumstances where that is very difficult. We may not condone a sexual predator, we may despise his acts, but you understand he is still a person, a person that will hopefully be met with the full force of the judicial system and public scrutiny, be brought to justice, whatever that might mean.

I might add, I felt similar the moment I saw the tape of Hillary Clinton refer to some of Trump's loyal base as a 'Basket of Deplorables'. It was precisely the wrong thing to say because it can be taken out of context by anyone who was leaning towards the former Secretary of State's opponent. It was a poor choice of words to say the least, and not befitting a candidate for President who is hoping to eventually represent all those 'deplorables' if elected. It is also glaring because Clinton is a lawyer.

There are certain inalienable rights that apply to even the most heinous individual

One reason that lawyers in particular may be more successful politically. They learn to carefully consider their words in the courtroom, they learn that there are certain inalienable rights, including constitutional rights, that apply to even the most heinous individuals. That may be a changing trend, I hope it is. Nurses and teachers, engineers and innovators, business moguls and volunteers, everyone who is self-actualised understands that government is meant to represent all the people, and their unique skills and perspectives can only make a good system better, not perfect, just improved.

There is no such thing as perfect. There is only 'better'. You can work to do better next time, to study more, practise harder, to improve; but there is no end marked perfect. You just need to embrace the concept that there will never be a perfect outcome, you do your best, and you learn from the process. Trump needs to go back and be that father in the grocery store with a toddler in meltdown, he needs to go back to learn that it's OK if everyone doesn't think or act exactly as he wants them to, and that's why America is already great.


Opinion: Tweet A Mile In His Shoes

There was a time you could argue whether or not the world was indeed at war. Today I see that we are engaged in all kinds of wars in all kinds of places, but I never expected my workplace or my home as possible targets. In fact, I would have argued as a child of the 1980s, before mobile phones became smaller than a box of tissues, that there was very little chance that you couldn't find somewhere to be all by yourself, cushioned, safe somewhere. Today I realized that for a very long time, and without my full comprehension, some people can find no safe-zone, not in their worlds, and maybe not even in their minds. They walk among us, they are journalists and politicians, public figures and movie stars. They have families, they have children, they have loved ones, and they have one more thing, they have an opinion and a consumer base for that opinion.

Whether publicly chosen or accidentally acquired, a byproduct of the profession or an mere chance of birth, it has never been easier to get up right in the mind of someone you love to love, or love to hate. All you need is a name and a few social media accounts, and you too can become the target of adulation, nonchalance, or the kind of hatred that used to be reserved for someone who has grievously wronged your person either in a familial sense, financially, bodily, or all of the above. But the only crime I can see, is that they have an opinion unlike yours. That is allowed.

No matter how many times I have tried to imagine the kinds of slurs and open vile rhetoric aimed at political pundits, journalists, media presenters, or politically active celebrities this american presidential election season. I knew it would be awful stuff. I could imagine some of the more obvious hatred and bigotry regarding gender, religion, color, creed, and party affiliation or perceived allegiance. I could not believe how very much I underestimated how personal the attacked would be, how openly blatantly racist, the terminology, the images tacked along with a few choice words. I was wrong, I was biased, I will never take the issue for granted.

I may not agree with everyone's politics, their perceptions, their assertions, but I would be happy to 'agree to disagree' with someone's stance or message and just walk away and live my life (likely never to think of the author or journalist). What has changed, what has broken so terribly that we no longer can leave well enough alone, we often feel compelled to comment. Comments are part of being on social media. I am very guilty of my own replies to tweets and comments lately, those to political candidates that openly challenge them on their morals or lack thereof. But I rarely dissolve into swearing, let alone say anything so lacking of intellect that I would not say it in front of parents or family members.

This goes on from time to time, I never claimed to be a saint, I am a walking contradiction most days. But I am not a public figure, I write for a few blogs, I am a healthcare professional, I was not trained a journalist, I did not seek a public life. If after a glass of wine I decide to tell a presidential candidate or two that I think they are obtuse fact vacuums, I let that flag fly -- politely.

In the last few days I have heard a number of political pundits and 'news' presenters talk about the sheer volume, absolute vitriol, and threat content of their feedback lately. Some have needed to have a greater security presence as they leave or arrive at work. Some have said that they have been targeted based on the 'ethnicity' or perceived ethnicity of at least one of their names. Tonight I read a quick tweet from a journalist regarding a joke about waiting for the 'Trump' camp to respond to yet another endorsement from a former KKK grand wizard. The fact that the Mike Pence suddenly decided that his camp are above 'labeling' and therefore would not call said person a 'deplorable', has brought the issue back to the fore. I made a typical smart-ass comment and then decided to see what others were saying about the question as to whether Pence will cave and do the right thing or again do the 'Trump' thing. What I saw was horrifying.

The writer's last name stuck me as likely having a jewish origin, whether chosen or inherited, but it never occurred to me that it mattered. Most people guess my last name is either german or jewish in origin, it is a relatively rare jewish name, bu it's not something I feel necessary to conceal from anyone in my life. So I was maybe not entirely shocked to see not a few replies that painted the author as a typical 'liberal jew', that was almost too easy. But comments about Israel, about assumed collusion with the jewish state, about the holocaust, about nazis and Zyklon-B (the poisonous gas used in the gas chambers of Hitler's 'Final Solution') were everywhere. I mean seriously some of the most offensive things I have ever seen written, all written from the first few seconds the tweet went live.

This was not a link to an article, the was just a sharing of a public tweet to people who opt to follow this particular writer. The tweet, again, that of a current republican candidate who is also deeply anti-semitic. This means at some point, these replies and comments are being made by at least one person who closely follows this writer, and perhaps many that responded to his/her public call to attack. I just could not imagine what it would be like to have almost exclusively vile retorts to my boring little sarcastic tweets. I am lucky if one of my 50-plus followers even clicks like, never mind retweets me.

What has changed in people that makes so many of them feel it is a perfectly acceptable hobby to direct reams of hatred at people they are not forced to have any interaction with? Don't like a celebrity, say it once if you have to, try hard not to respond, better yet 'unfollow' and move on to bigger and better possibilities. I realize that this could not possibly refer to all Twitter users, many are just connecting with people, current events, news, or pop-culture. But if there are this many people participating in this new 'sport' where they can hide in chosen anonymity or be publicly openly utterly ignorant, what is going on outside of public view? What came first, the drive to behave badly with impudence or the ability to behave badly and face absolutely no personal risk for doing so? Perhaps they were a match made by our own inability to anticipate how complicated our relationship with technology could be.

To every journalist working their tail off trying to get important and relevant stories to their consumers, I am sorry that your world must seem dark and thankless most days. I am sorry that no matter what you write or say, you will face ignorance, insecurity, and hatred of untold volume. Please know that those of us who are interested in comparing, contrasting, and consuming a variety of different opinions and views are thankful for your work on the battlefields of social media. I may not agree with you, but I want to live in a work where all criticism is constructive, where we can pick the sources that we deem reliable or at least well know, and we can leave a sarcastic comment without seeing it alongside some of the most hateful speech on the internet.


Keeping Kids Media Savvy

Are we teaching our kids how to objectively consume media in the information age? It's a pretty straightforward concept, one that helps keep kids safe and educated. Kids need to learn how to critically analyze and vette sources. They need to examine an event, all the data available. Children should be encouraged to form their own opinions on people, issues, or news. The ability to spot lies or bias in the media, evaluating promises and past history is a life skill. Kids need to be able to see that even when you pick a candidate, the elected POTUS will need work with others in a bipartisan manner.

At what age do we start teaching kids to consume media thoughtfully? It is an increasingly important ability in this 'social media age' that applies to all children. Our kids are growing up with rapidly advancing technology that lets everyone have a voice whilst simultaneously leading to increasing isolation. We need to start when children are small, teaching that even parents can be wrong, like everyone else, that we can say sorry and still disagree, that their choices have consequences and the internet has a long memory, and that working well with others is fundamental. Eventually they will need to learn how to evaluate sources, understand statistics and identify bias.

That's the kind of education that I think is essential not just on a personal level, but for the good of the democracy. More educated consumers of media, eventually voters, that have early critical thinking skills. A citizenry that understand the technology of internet and social media, both it's good and bad attributes; I don't see a downside. If you want a functioning democracy, you need to have educated voters, no matter their party affiliation. People have a right to vote for the candidate that they feel best represents their belief system and values, That is not always going to be someone they like, but still agree with on policy. Or it may be a very capable and experienced candidate that refuses to admit that she lied to the FBI about her private server. It might even be an entertaining orange carwreck that no one takes seriously, but is somehow running neck and neck.

We need to give future generations the ability to make educated choices in life. In order for that to happen we need to start in those early stages where children begin to interact with media sources and need to gradually understand that what they see is not always real or true. We need to re-engage and monitor what our kids are doing, and we need to ask the questions that will help them understand that they can question anything, and that there is no shame in admitting you were wrong. This witty television spot from Concerned Children's Advertisers in Canada used to run on local stations, it always makes me smile and wonder how kids feel about it.

Opinion: Why I Can't Handle Hillary's 'Baskets' Comment

Maybe it's because my brain works differently than Hillary Clinton's. Maybe someone said it as a joke in Hillary's presence and she picked it up and just blurted it out under pressure, the laugh of a crowd pushing her to exaggerate. Maybe this is a common political term that I had been simply unaware of in my 44 years on this planet. Whatever it is, I have to admit I am a little disgusted and frankly disappointed by Clinton's suggestion that "half of all Trump's supporters are,... a basket of deplorables".

Hillary, it's not the 'worst mistake of the political season' as Donald calls it, his candidacy is the worst mistake, but it's one of your worst. 

I am a nurse, I work with people, I love my work. I have never had two patients alike in all my years of experience. No two people I have ever met had identical experiential, cultural, religious, traditional, or intellectual presentations. Some were openly saying politically incorrect or bigoted things, but I always understood the difference between a nurtured  or commonly held racist views, and I always felt compassion for a persons unfortunate beliefs. I just don't understand, I suppose, anyone's ability to label a group of people in such an ignorant, blanketing way.

I am the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, my Grandfather the only young man to survive amongst almost a dozen siblings, his parents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, entire jewish community of the town; his entire world was buried in a mass grave in what was Poland, in a city renamed. I learned early in life that prejudice and bigotry can lead to the decimation of millions of innocent people. I learned through reading on the Holocaust that even in the ghettos or concentration camps, people were still people, they did what they had to do to survive or they didn't survive, there were kind people, but not all people were kind, nor can I ever judge a single one. Some christians lost their lives for hiding or helping jews, others stood alongside Hitler himself, there is no one-size fits all standard for Christianity.

I just don't understand, I suppose, anyone's ability to label a group of people in such an ignorant, blanketing way.

So when Hillary Clinton, the only woman who is currently capable of keeping an impulsive bigoted misogynistic xenophobic narcissist from taking the office of the President of The United States, says something that is so dismissive of 'half' of the people currently supporting her opponent, I was shocked.  Clinton herself has said "words matter", they do matter, and there was no need to wholesale offend and unify Donald Trump supporters in one fell swoop.

I am aware that Donald J Trump, the current Republican nominee for President, has said and done the following (and a novel's worth more);

  • Demanded the first African-American POTUS prove he was 'born in America', while insinuating he was a secret-muslim
  • Mexicans are criminals, rapists, and that they are a danger to citizens both bodily and economically
  • Called for a ban on 'all Muslims' from entering the United States
  • Retweeted offensive materials and compliments from known white supremacists and racists
  • Has a history of using derogatory terms to refer to women, has publicly body-shamed a pageant contestant, rating women on their looks
  • Insulted a Muslim-American Gold Star family by insinuating the mother didn't speak because perhaps her religion represses her, as opposed to her obvious grief
  • Etc.;
I am also aware that at many Trump public rallies there is crystal clear evidence that there are white supremacists, KKK members, anti-hispanic, anti-muslim, bigoted, and racist individuals in attendance. People say atrocious things about Hillary Clinton that specifically take aim at her gender, and nothing else. Chants of 'lock her up' are the norm. There are definitely deplorable individuals within his most ardent supporters.

A President must act in the interests of all Americans, even the deplorable ones, maybe especially the deplorable ones.

So yes Hillary, there may be a number of Trump 'people' who are indeed deplorable human beings, but guess what, there may be a percentage of that group that is sick, by which I mean mentally unstable. There are also some who grew up in an environment where this is a 'learned hatred', as all hatred based on the color of one's skin is learned, they were raised with these beliefs. Others have chosen the radicalize because they feel they are missing something and belonging to this 'group' will fill that 'hole'. Some have been radicalized by tactics I can only imagine, almost a cult-like indoctrination into a hate-group. Some have been raised to believe that politics is a game of sport, you 'root for your guy' and you play to win. Some may honestly have such low IQ, or lack the mental capacity, to question or critically analyze fact from fiction.

So there is rampant ignorance, but I can't help that for the most part, I feel sorry for those who put so much energy into hate. It seems such a waste of human potential, so much time wasted on the wrong priorities. So many children being raised in the same ignorant way. So much work left to be done to root out hatred in all it's forms and expose people to a kinder and gentler way of being in the world. So much work to be done it is often daunting.

But Hillary, you are not helping your party or your campaign when you suggests that all those who act out at Trump rallies or respond to his dog whistle politics are equally deplorable. There is nuance, this is not a binary subject. Yes some of the individuals supporting trump are acting in a deplorable way, that does not make their value as citizens lesser. Statistically, you are equally capable of attracting 'deplorable' people into your party and even right on to your campaign staff. A president must act in the interests of all Americans, even the deplorable ones, maybe especially the deplorable ones. Maybe, just maybe we need to be hopeful that these people see the truth from the lies and vote in their best interests.

Honestly Secretary Clinton, I just expected better from you, but maybe that was my bias showing, I thought you were a better human being. Your 'morning after' attempt to explain that you "grossly exaggerated and didn't mean half" doesn't help me, since you are merely reinforcing the stereotype but ascribing it to fewer people. Maybe what the 'Trump people' are reacting to is something that they find more objectionable than his openly unapologetic ways, maybe in their way of reasoning, there are worse things that a fraudulent BS artist. Maybe the 'worse things' they see have to do with transparency, corruption, and 'short circuited' mis-spoken explanations from a regular human being who is supposed to be intelligent and honest by profession. I frankly don't understand any serious appeal for Trump, he is an ignorant narcissist, but then I have had practice of engaging with a really diverse cross section of the population, and through a habit of curiosity, the world in full. Not everyone is so privileged to have had the safety, security, healthcare, education, economic advantage, and mentors that I have, the opportunities, and the inspired passion for learning.

Maybe I am being too hard on you, Hillary Clinton, many will argue that I am.

Maybe I am being too hard on you, Hillary Clinton, many will argue that I am. Many voices on my Twitter feed are already arguing that you were right on the money, the media reactions biased based on all of Trump's uncalled BS. Some suggest that the criticism is purely sexist, one way or the other. I have written many blog posts where I carefully dissect candidate Trump, a person that brings out my anger in a way that I am uncomfortable with. I rarely criticize you so harshly Hillary, for I see you as the more capable, competent, and sane 'choice' left [if a two-party election represents choice]. You are meant to try to inspire the 'Basket of Deplorables' to want to be better people, to want to learn, to want to trust government, to be politically engaged. If I was running for office that is what I would want to inspire in everyone I possibly could. I just couldn't write off that many Americans with a poorly chosen analogy, they are human beings with potential. Hillary, it's not the 'worst mistake of the political season' as Donald calls it, his candidacy is the worst mistake, but it's one of your worst.

Relax Secretary Clinton, you didn't actually lose a vote here. I don't get to vote, I am Canadian after all.


Friday Funny: Trump's "Unrelated Assertions"

Donald J. Trump speaks with Matt Lauer at the Commander-In-Chief Town Hall on NBC.

This brilliant 'Security Questions Asked' vs. 'Unrelated Assertions' tally and score is my favorite new video. This video deserves to go viral in the most important way. Donald J. Trump hangs himself with his own words by dancing around, never actually answering a question directly. He has the most obvious 'ADHD Thinker' presentation I have ever listened to. The more you listen, the more disturbing his inability to stay on topics becomes.

The video is part of The Young Turks Network of channels, this one is specifically from TYT Politics. In it's bleak simplicity, it shows how Donald can never stay on subject, never focus his answers, and just simply links subjects in a bizarrely tangential way. He actually never really firmly says anything, lies endlessly about how world conflicts of the past evolved, and seems to double-down on his exposed lies and assertions. According to Trump, all past and present military conflicts are the result of what he calls the 'Obama-Clinton' regime, completely ignoring VP Joe Biden or current Secretary of State John Kerry;

The official TYT Politics description of this video;
Donald Trump supporter and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who had been on the short list as Trump's running mate, thought he was doing his candidate a favor by letting him go on stream of consciousness rants rather than answer his questions about how he would deal with ISIS, Iran, Libya, Syria, and Iraq. But he might have given Trump a little too much rope for his own good.
Trump responded to 7 softball questions about U.S. foreign policy, terrorism, and the Middle East with 5 wafer-thin answers and 87 wildly unrelated assertions, according to a count by TYT Politics.
The audience cheered for answers like, "We have to solve it bigly and strongly," which was in response to the question, "What is your Iraq strategy as Commander in Chief?" As silly as that sounds, we scored it as an answer, rather than a non-answer because it does reveal what is going on in Trump's head when it comes to military affairs.
The Q and A spectacle was moderated by retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who had been on the short list as Trump's running mate and spoke at the GOP convention. Incredibly, Flynn, who has had some experience in military affairs and foreign intelligence, responded to each rambling non-answer as if he had just heard something vaguely coherent. Although he did hover around the Middle East region with his questions, at one point asking the same question twice, hoping for at least one utterance that showed a basic grasp of U.S. foreign policy and national security interests.
We did not score the accuracy of Trump's statements, but we'd love it if our viewers could do that part!
The event took place on Sept. 6, 2016 at the Sandler Center in Virginia Beach, VA, ostensibly as a tuneup for the Commander In Chief Forum on Sept. 7, 2016, the first time that Republican presidential nominee would appear on the same stage (albeit at different times) with his Democratic opponent, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I am not certain who on the TYT Politics team, including Jordan Chariton, put this together, but it is the best example of the absurdity of a Donald J. Trump presidency. Well done TYT Network, always bringing a different perspective and a healthy dose of laughs. Remember, if you are able to become a member of The Young Turks, please consider it.

To start your membership, all you have to do is visit the The Young Turks online and join. You can become a part of the TYT Nation for just $10 US per month via PayPal, or less with a one-year plan. The Young Turks is a true fifth estate establishment; bloggers, journalists, hacktivists, and media outlets that operate outside of the mainstream media. TYT is your source for daily news, political coverage, human interest stories with witty analysis and diverse opinions. We need to support independent media both locally and abroad if we want real alternatives to the mainstream media propaganda machine.


The Trump Mafia 'Don'

If you have been watching the coverage of the current, never-ending, and endlessly sordid US Election 2016 coverage, you will have by now noticed that Donald J. Trump has some issues with 'Emotional Maturity'. Emotional Maturity is the ability of an adult person to respond to situations in appropriate and intellectual ways, as opposed to being led by emotions and having knee jerk over-the-top emotional tantrums whenever things don't meet one's expectations. The following is a good basic explanation of Emotional Maturity;


Trump is a 70 years old grown-ass man, if he hasn't mastered emotional maturity by now, it just is not going to happen. But I have a theory I am playing with as to why 'The Donald' is so emotionally rash and childish in his everyday life, why he views everything in terms of winning or losing, weak or strong, and he reserves no space for facts to enter his rhetoric. Donald Trump is of the same generation as my father, also in his early 70s, and like my father and many of his contemporaries, there is a certain fascination with the Mob, Mafia, and the days of gangsters and pocket politicians, police, and judges. My father always loved to talk about Al Capone, about the Godfather movies, about that era of gangsters, prohibition, and making money hand over fist over gun.

I'll admit it, I also have watched the movies, enjoyed them, learned some of the history, but I see the whole era slightly differently than my father's generation might. I see the violence, the nepotism, the segregation of 'family' businesses by ethnic groups, and the 'family above all else' motto. I've watched the movies, some are among my top 100, and it is with a removed sense of thrill-seeking. You know that some stories are manufactured, some details embellished, there is a certain romance of the era, but it is interesting because it is so removed from my reality. I don't want that kind of life, to be part of a 'Mob' culture would be my worst nightmare. While many people from my father's generation on down the line still find mob lore to be captivating, we all pretty much agree that we don't want to actually live that kind of life, a life where one wrong move can mean a bloody end.

But what about our friend Donald? The man currently running for the highest possible public office in the land. Does Donald see these movies as an entertainment or escape, or does he see them as a roadmap for life? His actions right from the start of his business career suggest he is most happy to manipulate the system for his own gain. His embrace of the title "The King of Debt" is yet another nod to his penchant for screwing people over for his personal gain.  We know he has claimed that the system is 'rigged', Donald says he knows this because he, unlike Hillary Clinton, has learned to make the most out of every rigged loophole he can find. He seems to revel in his eel like ability to slip through the legal cracks and screw over the 'little guy'.

Trump seems to have embraced the mobsters racist view of 'Jews' being the best to handle the money, something he has repeatedly said. The way he describes the life of the 'African American' community is hopelessly dated, incredibly racist, and seems to have come from watching too much bad 80s television. Donald Trump thinks that he is praising a minority group if he links them up to his prejudiced and dated stereotypes, when he is actually insulting every thinking feeling person, regardless of what group he assumes they belong to.

I am starting to really question what is driving Trump's desire to be President. You can only get down in the muck so many times until eventually the muck is all you know.  We know that Trump had admitted to bankrupting at least four businesses, and there are likely more. He has no credit with most American lenders, owes money to the likes of Goldman Sachs, and has for some time been funding his developments with loans from outside the US. So who does Trump owe money to now? Is it possible that the people Trump owes money or favors to are one of the reasons he is seeking to have to power of the presidency? Is all his railing at Secretary of State Clinton's apparent 'pay-to-play' system just more projection on the part of a man who finally owes too much to too many to achieve parity with financial reparations? Is it possible that one or more foreign investors in Trump's business is seeking political payback?

Without getting too far down the 'conspiracy theory' road, the real point I am trying to make is that I fear that Donald J. Trump has patterned his entire life to resemble a Mafia Movie. Does he really think that bullying and threatening to sue everyone who disagrees with him is normal adult behaviour? Has he gotten so caught up in his world of real estate and casinos that he owes some cash to some very nasty people? Without his tax returns, we may never know the full truth about The Donald. If all we can evaluate is his current and past behaviour, his bigotry and misogyny, and his legal public documents, the picture looks very much like some cheesy wannabe 'Goodfellas' movie.

He is endlessly rocking his flagging yellowed pompadour, slick dark suits, hobnobbing with heads of state, politicians, and above all, grooming his children to take the helm of Trump Enterprises when he eventually decides who the next 'Don' will be. My money's on his two eldest sons, who are both following in their father's slimy footsteps, repeating his words and defending his business acumen. His salesman's schtick, his lack of basic information and limited vocabulary, all of these things are badges of pride to the Donald. He cares only for winning, for power, for recognition, and shows no concern or empathy for others. Being tough is his favorite trait, although to be truly mentally tough, you need to also be Emotionally Mature. Not so tough after all, are we Donald?

Just like every other facet of his person, Donald Trump's drive to be President of the United States has more to do with power and ego, and less to do with public service of any kind. If you look at Trump through the lens of a man trying to be a 'gangster', perhaps the most prolific of all time, you start to see the dots line up. He seems to actually believe that a movie series like 'The Godfather' is a guide to life and living well. He believes that he is the original 'Teflon Don', that no matter how much he manipulates and plays with the lives of others it is all worth it if he comes out unscathed. He is betting the american people think he is a smooth operator and 'winner', and he has an entire staff of people supporting his delusions, going on television trying to explain or excuse the inexcusable. The number of people coming to his defense in this election, his red hat wearing band of angry white males, the silent GOP, Fox "news" and Breitbart 'polls' are only feeding his delusions. Trump is not only emotionally immature, a likely sociopath, and delusional about his own stature, he is dangerous. People who think it would be fun to be in the mob generally are not people who have the funds to play the game. People who romanticize the violence, the lifestyle, and the dangers of a mobster mentality are not people who play well with others. I fear Trump has been playing the game with his Daddy's money, losing, and now putting the lives of every american citizen, and therefore every global citizen, in danger.

But then, this is just my own personal theory of Trump. Not that I had any difficulty finding images to use in this post, or sources for facts about Trump's past business practices. Trump himself likes to point out many of his own examples of being 'tough' and 'winning'. Don't take my word for it, there is plenty information on the subject to be had, including the VICE article entitled "A Brief History of Donald Trump and the Mafia", from earlier this year. CNN Politics has also covered this interesting topic in a July 2015 piece called "Donald Trump and the Mob". Just a theory.


Education For All

Those who still see socialism as an image of 'cold war' Soviet Union era government corruption haven't gotten the memo.  In the early eighties we saw images on our televisions of people lining up to buy scarce resources like toilet paper. We confuse socialism' with 'Communism', a regime that was corrupt, closed off from the rest of the world, and hopelessly lacking in all social supports. Real socialism is not about the suppression of capitalism, isolationist nationalism, and it isn't about state controlled media. Nor is socialism it about everyone going without, particularly everyone who is not part of an elite and controlling government regime.

The so-called 'Socialism' seen in the former Soviet Union, North Korea, or Cuba is not the same socialist democracy that US Senator Bernie Sanders has been speaking of as he successfully spread his message of ensuring all member of society to have access to basic Human Rights. Bernie speaks of socialism in terms of some of the most successful social programs in US history.  The right to a living wage, the right to Universal Healthcare, Social Security, the right to a livable environment, and the right to have equal access to education.

Today I want to discuss the notion of Education as a social institution, something that we find perfectly acceptable for the nation's children, but many seem to think must end after public high-school.  Why this arbitrary cut-off occurs as young adults are poised to either continue with higher education, or enter the workforce is telling. Those without post-secondary education are most likely to work in dead-end service jobs, find little to no room for advancement, and are equipped with fewer tools for carving out small business endeavors. This is a widely known connection, I am not telling anyone anything new. So why do we end the socialist education program we credit with making America an educated super-power at the arbitrary cut-off point of high-school?

While Republicans, Regressionists, and Centrist Democrats fail to see the Progressive movement as more than just pie-in-the-sky load of 'free stuff'' for moochers, and laugh off Progressive concepts as more than 'unicorns' and 'rainbow' dreams, no one has discussed the fact that by creating taxpayers and tax-paying jobs, you create a self-funding system. It may take time, but a self-sustaining post-secondary education system is just one of the many benefits of taxpayer funded education initiatives.

Bernie Sanders clarified the issue with no-nonsense practical language. In April 2015, Sanders stated his position thusly, "higher education should be a right".  If an individual is qualified, willing, and able to achieve higher education, that person should have a path to achieve certification or a degree without having to dive into a sea of debt to do it.  No one is suggesting that all applicants should be given a cost-free Ivy League education, but state-run colleges and universities should remain accessible to those willing to put in the time and effort, and that education needs to be of a competitive quality.  This is what socialism really is about, giving everyone the same opportunity to advance, the same empowerment and chance of success, without being penalized for lacking the financial means to do so.

There will always be the cost of administration fees, reading materials, education tools, housing, and food for the socialist post-secondary student. What we need to ensure is that any fees are reasonable, that they are competitive, and that they don't penalize an individual and threaten their future well being by saddling them with endless student debt.

The more educated a person is, the more able they are to participate in the workforce, the more likely they are to have a positive effect on the economy. Other countries, such as Finland, fully cover all education costs for their citizens, and as a result have higher rates of innovation, quality of life, and stable economies. No country has reached the perfect balance of funding all social programs while keeping more money in taxpayer pockets, but there is a great argument to be made that the net gains will always outweigh any losses. Over time, a well educated and engaged population can find ways to better manage the allocation of social resources to eliminate redundancy, and to further improve outcomes. It takes a whole lot of guts to flip the system on it's head and offer more social services to those who have been left out or left behind. It may seem like a losing idea, but Bernie Sanders and other progressive voices are paving the way for enough people to take the 'socialist' plunge.