Maybe it's because my brain works differently than Hillary Clinton's. Maybe someone said it as a joke in Hillary's presence and she picked it up and just blurted it out under pressure, the laugh of a crowd pushing her to exaggerate. Maybe this is a common political term that I had been simply unaware of in my 44 years on this planet. Whatever it is, I have to admit I am a little disgusted and frankly disappointed by Clinton's suggestion that "half of all Trump's supporters are,... a basket of deplorables".
Hillary, it's not the 'worst mistake of the political season' as Donald calls it, his candidacy is the worst mistake, but it's one of your worst.
I am a nurse, I work with people, I love my work. I have never had two patients alike in all my years of experience. No two people I have ever met had identical experiential, cultural, religious, traditional, or intellectual presentations. Some were openly saying politically incorrect or bigoted things, but I always understood the difference between a nurtured or commonly held racist views, and I always felt compassion for a persons unfortunate beliefs. I just don't understand, I suppose, anyone's ability to label a group of people in such an ignorant, blanketing way.
I am the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, my Grandfather the only young man to survive amongst almost a dozen siblings, his parents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, entire jewish community of the town; his entire world was buried in a mass grave in what was Poland, in a city renamed. I learned early in life that prejudice and bigotry can lead to the decimation of millions of innocent people. I learned through reading on the Holocaust that even in the ghettos or concentration camps, people were still people, they did what they had to do to survive or they didn't survive, there were kind people, but not all people were kind, nor can I ever judge a single one. Some christians lost their lives for hiding or helping jews, others stood alongside Hitler himself, there is no one-size fits all standard for Christianity.
I just don't understand, I suppose, anyone's ability to label a group of people in such an ignorant, blanketing way.
So when Hillary Clinton, the only woman who is currently capable of keeping an impulsive bigoted misogynistic xenophobic narcissist from taking the office of the President of The United States, says something that is so dismissive of 'half' of the people currently supporting her opponent, I was shocked. Clinton herself has said "words matter", they do matter, and there was no need to wholesale offend and unify Donald Trump supporters in one fell swoop.
I am aware that Donald J Trump, the current Republican nominee for President, has said and done the following (and a novel's worth more);
- Demanded the first African-American POTUS prove he was 'born in America', while insinuating he was a secret-muslim
- Mexicans are criminals, rapists, and that they are a danger to citizens both bodily and economically
- Called for a ban on 'all Muslims' from entering the United States
- Retweeted offensive materials and compliments from known white supremacists and racists
- Has a history of using derogatory terms to refer to women, has publicly body-shamed a pageant contestant, rating women on their looks
- Insulted a Muslim-American Gold Star family by insinuating the mother didn't speak because perhaps her religion represses her, as opposed to her obvious grief
- Etc.;
I am also aware that at many Trump public rallies there is crystal clear evidence that there are white supremacists, KKK members, anti-hispanic, anti-muslim, bigoted, and racist individuals in attendance. People say atrocious things about Hillary Clinton that specifically take aim at her gender, and nothing else. Chants of 'lock her up' are the norm. There are definitely deplorable individuals within his most ardent supporters.
A President must act in the interests of all Americans, even the deplorable ones, maybe especially the deplorable ones.
So yes Hillary, there may be a number of Trump 'people' who are indeed deplorable human beings, but guess what, there may be a percentage of that group that is sick, by which I mean mentally unstable. There are also some who grew up in an environment where this is a 'learned hatred', as all hatred based on the color of one's skin is learned, they were raised with these beliefs. Others have chosen the radicalize because they feel they are missing something and belonging to this 'group' will fill that 'hole'. Some have been radicalized by tactics I can only imagine, almost a cult-like indoctrination into a hate-group. Some have been raised to believe that politics is a game of sport, you 'root for your guy' and you play to win. Some may honestly have such low IQ, or lack the mental capacity, to question or critically analyze fact from fiction.
So there is rampant ignorance, but I can't help that for the most part, I feel sorry for those who put so much energy into hate. It seems such a waste of human potential, so much time wasted on the wrong priorities. So many children being raised in the same ignorant way. So much work left to be done to root out hatred in all it's forms and expose people to a kinder and gentler way of being in the world. So much work to be done it is often daunting.

But Hillary, you are not helping your party or your campaign when you suggests that all those who act out at Trump rallies or respond to his dog whistle politics are equally deplorable. There is nuance, this is not a binary subject. Yes some of the individuals supporting trump are acting in a deplorable way, that does not make their value as citizens lesser. Statistically, you are equally capable of attracting 'deplorable' people into your party and even right on to your campaign staff. A president must act in the interests of all Americans, even the deplorable ones, maybe especially the deplorable ones. Maybe, just maybe we need to be hopeful that these people see the truth from the lies and vote in their best interests.
Honestly Secretary Clinton, I just expected better from you, but maybe that was my bias showing, I thought you were a better human being. Your 'morning after' attempt to explain that you "grossly exaggerated and didn't mean half" doesn't help me, since you are merely reinforcing the stereotype but ascribing it to fewer people. Maybe what the 'Trump people' are reacting to is something that they find more objectionable than his openly unapologetic ways, maybe in their way of reasoning, there are worse things that a fraudulent BS artist. Maybe the 'worse things' they see have to do with transparency, corruption, and 'short circuited' mis-spoken explanations from a regular human being who is supposed to be intelligent and honest by profession. I frankly don't understand any serious appeal for Trump, he is an ignorant narcissist, but then I have had practice of engaging with a really diverse cross section of the population, and through a habit of curiosity, the world in full. Not everyone is so privileged to have had the safety, security, healthcare, education, economic advantage, and mentors that I have, the opportunities, and the inspired passion for learning.
Maybe I am being too hard on you, Hillary Clinton, many will argue that I am.
Maybe I am being too hard on you, Hillary Clinton, many will argue that I am. Many voices on my Twitter feed are already arguing that you were right on the money, the media reactions biased based on all of Trump's uncalled BS. Some suggest that the criticism is purely sexist, one way or the other. I have written many blog posts where I carefully dissect candidate Trump, a person that brings out my anger in a way that I am uncomfortable with. I rarely criticize you so harshly Hillary, for I see you as the more capable, competent, and sane 'choice' left [if a two-party election represents choice]. You are meant to try to inspire the 'Basket of Deplorables' to want to be better people, to want to learn, to want to trust government, to be politically engaged. If I was running for office that is what I would want to inspire in everyone I possibly could. I just couldn't write off that many Americans with a poorly chosen analogy, they are human beings with potential. Hillary, it's not the 'worst mistake of the political season' as Donald calls it, his candidacy is the worst mistake, but it's one of your worst.
Relax Secretary Clinton, you didn't actually lose a vote here. I don't get to vote, I am Canadian after all.