I am sitting here and wondering if there any way that Canadians or other foreign 'Berniecrats' can help support the Brand New Congress (BNC), a movement within the Democratic Party to get grassroots non-establishment non-corporate candidates to shun big money and listen to the people, all of them. We are your closest neighbor, and I believe that Canada and the US will both thrive with a true Liberal Progressive government. I will absolutely not violate any laws or restriction on PAC donations from non-American citizens. I can however donate time and energy - phone banking or getting the word out in other ways. As a Registered Nurse, I am thrilled to see the BNC reaching out to those in the Healthcare field who have seen the problems of the uninsured and underinsured first- hand.
Canada, and much of the allied world, is incensed with the current political climate in the US. Though our elected leaders have to be careful and diplomatic about the words they use, the majority of Canadians chose as their Prime Minister a man with one of the most progressive agendas we have seen on the current political stage. We chose a Populist leader too, but we were very lucky. It is shocking to me that the DNC did not predict this wave of populism, while at the same time it doesn't surprise me at all. The DNC should have paid more attention to what was going on in the 51st State (aka Canada). Justin Trudeau was not an accident, people wanted change. While they are still sorting it all out on the legislature side, no one truly fears our leader and his ability to lead all Canadians, even those who did not want his government.
They stopped listening to the electorate, stopped checking in with their base and were apparently blindsided by the low turnout, anger, and frustration of the people.
I need to find a sort of FAQ with ideas that non-American Progressive advocates can pursue in the hopes of seeing a more decent, honest, informed and worthy candidate in line for the POTUS. I think most Americans will be fixated on having better presidential candidates in the future, regardless of policy or party. Just like the majority of Democrats, I honestly think that voters on both sides were motivated by who they 'didn't like' more than they want to admit at the moment. Buyers remorse will begin to settle in rather quickly when President-elect Trump ignores the very working class that put him in office. He can't bring back jobs that efficient robots have replaced, he will repeal the affordable care act and leave in it's place a gaping vacuum, and he can't force anyone into bringing back foreign assets to be taxed. The Republicans will never punish corporate America or the companies that choose to move their ventures offshore or across borders.
It is going to be brutal for a while and it's going to take some time but we need to move beyond the blame game, it keeps our energy in the past. I am still working through it, it takes time to get over what for many was a shocking outcome. We all need to use our voices to let the DNC know that their reign of elitist corporate puppets is over and the people are ready, able, and willing to take their party and country back from the hands of a man and his Republican Enablers who supported a man who stands for everything and nothing at the same time.
So I ask the corporate media shills, can you see him now?
This horrid election season gives me hope that the DNC and its candidates will smarten up and not allow this to happen again. Superdelegates and the current DNC chosen by the party have to go; they forced Clinton on the voters, not the other way around and that's why they lost. They stopped listening to the electorate, stopped checking in with their base, and were apparently blindsided by the low turnout, anger, and frustration of the people. Progressive got it right all along, and they are still correct in the light of all that's happened.
I am thinking of all my American friends and family constantly, but I have hope that in two years the new Democrats will get this right and begin to flip the House/Senate. In four years the job of the Presidency will be filled by the most popular President America has ever seen, if the DNC does this right. I really believe this will galvanize future voters and generations to take elections more seriously and use their voting privileges regardless of party preference. That is a good thing for a true Democracy. More voices, not less, are needed now and in the future to steer the US in the right direction. The next two years will be a painful cautionary tale, but America will bounce back stronger and better if they learn their lessons and embrace the power of community. Kids growing up today will understand the seriousness of future elections, they have access to information that we never did, they are savvy and will not easily fooled by another hateful conman-in-chief. Just pray and/or protest all decisions that will destroy our climate and environment - that can't be undone. Everything else can be fixed or negotiated. We know better now so we can be better in the future, that is an incredibly important lesson to take away from this election. Bernie Sanders was the "Canary in the Coal Mine" of American politics and the DNC treated him like a joke. Now Americans have a dangerous joke as a president. Way to break America DNC, you couldn't have planned for a worse outcome. So I ask the corporate media shills, CAN YOU SEE HIM NOW?
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