
Keeping Kids Media Savvy

Are we teaching our kids how to objectively consume media in the information age? It's a pretty straightforward concept, one that helps keep kids safe and educated. Kids need to learn how to critically analyze and vette sources. They need to examine an event, all the data available. Children should be encouraged to form their own opinions on people, issues, or news. The ability to spot lies or bias in the media, evaluating promises and past history is a life skill. Kids need to be able to see that even when you pick a candidate, the elected POTUS will need work with others in a bipartisan manner.

At what age do we start teaching kids to consume media thoughtfully? It is an increasingly important ability in this 'social media age' that applies to all children. Our kids are growing up with rapidly advancing technology that lets everyone have a voice whilst simultaneously leading to increasing isolation. We need to start when children are small, teaching that even parents can be wrong, like everyone else, that we can say sorry and still disagree, that their choices have consequences and the internet has a long memory, and that working well with others is fundamental. Eventually they will need to learn how to evaluate sources, understand statistics and identify bias.

That's the kind of education that I think is essential not just on a personal level, but for the good of the democracy. More educated consumers of media, eventually voters, that have early critical thinking skills. A citizenry that understand the technology of internet and social media, both it's good and bad attributes; I don't see a downside. If you want a functioning democracy, you need to have educated voters, no matter their party affiliation. People have a right to vote for the candidate that they feel best represents their belief system and values, That is not always going to be someone they like, but still agree with on policy. Or it may be a very capable and experienced candidate that refuses to admit that she lied to the FBI about her private server. It might even be an entertaining orange carwreck that no one takes seriously, but is somehow running neck and neck.

We need to give future generations the ability to make educated choices in life. In order for that to happen we need to start in those early stages where children begin to interact with media sources and need to gradually understand that what they see is not always real or true. We need to re-engage and monitor what our kids are doing, and we need to ask the questions that will help them understand that they can question anything, and that there is no shame in admitting you were wrong. This witty television spot from Concerned Children's Advertisers in Canada used to run on local stations, it always makes me smile and wonder how kids feel about it.

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