Trump Calisthenics; open mouth, put foot in mouth, remove foot by spitting out bizarre lies, repeat with other foot. On Tuesday, once again Trump found himself unprepared and caught in another self-spun web. On July 31st Trump was being interviewed by ABC News Anchor George Stephanopoulos, saying a lot and yet still nothing of consequence when the topic shifted to Trump's knowledge of Russia and the Ukraine. Trump was adamant that Russian President Putin, would not be going into Ukraine [sic]. When corrected about the fact that the annexation of The Crimea and parts of Eastern Ukraine by Russia had infact happened two years prior, Trump once again doubled down. Perhaps we have found the source of Trump's failed Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City. Donald seems unable to walk away from the tables, and infact doubles down on every bad investment, refusing to leave the table (or topic) until he comes out on top or another debacle takes it's place.
"He's not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want," Trump said in an interview on Sunday with ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week." Source: CNN Politics.
By Monday, August 1st Trump hammered away at the topic again by emitting several tweets obviously aimed at saving face. Now suddenly an expert on the Ukraine, he explained that what he 'meant' to say was that under a Trump Presidency 'it never would have happened'. He doesn't know what 'it' he is talking about, but at least he now knows he could have prevented it. He might actually have a group of imaginary advisors in his mind that could have done a better 'deal' than any other candidate in the history of forever.
By the time Tuesday came, Trump went on Fox "News" Show 'The O'Reilly Factor' with Bill O'Reilly, to clarify still further, now adding that "Obama is the worst president in the history of the United States", which is convenient since he has actively campaigned, supported, and/or run for office with at least three entirely different political parties over at least six different election seasons. I had not realized how rabid Trump's appetite was for studying the history of the US Presidency was. To suggesting that Obama is the 'worst' and 'weakest' ever would require extensive scholastic efforts. Trump then added, "I know more about foreign policy than [Obama]." [video below]
More about foreign policy or foreign tax loopholes? I think Donald may be confused. They are not the same thing Mr Trump. To suggest you know more about foreign policy and relations than a sitting Two-Term President that has travelled the world to international summits, met with heads of state, and had eight years of actual experience with foreign relations, is frankly absurd. Let us not forget to mention President Barack Obama is an Ivy League Educated Lawyer, widely respected, who can actually read and understand the language of policy documents.
Taking military steps to intervene at the time of the annexation of the Crimea by Russia would have destroyed decades of work from GOP and Democratic Presidents alike, but also may have led to actual war. Had Obama acted in a 'tough' not 'weak' way, as Donald puts it, we may well have seen an escalation in the conflict, being called upon by NATO agreements to send over, house, arm, clothe and feed thousands of military personnel, endanger the lives of servicemen and servicewomen, as well as innocent civilians, including women and children. Let's remember folks, Russia has a nuclear arsenal and would not hesitate to use it on us. But then, had we survived a potential Nuclear war, Trump would be listing all of the things Obama had done wrong by being 'too tough'. I'm not even sure that Trump could define what he means when he calls people 'weak' or 'tough', he has no ability to employ nuanced or quantifiable terms. He 'alone will fix', as he says so eloquently, I know those details will be released soon, right along with his tax-returns.
There has never be anyone so contradictory in his own interviews and speeches as Donald J. Trump. The thing is, I believe I may know more about foreign policy than Trump, and I am a Canadian and a Nurse by profession. I just want to have an idea about what is going on in the world. Quite simply, I read and research information when I have questions about world events, I have studied statistical interpretation of research and know that almost without exception every mainstream media outlet has it's own agenda and political ideology. It's almost a comedy routine whenever Trump starts to lash out at the media for being 'unfair', I can hardly keep track of which outlets are on his good list. This is a grown ass man, 70 years on this planet and he has yet to understand that the media is not your personal playground, The televisions news business is after all a business. It is there to inform and interpret daily events, sell lots of ads, pull in the ratings and go where the story is. There is no loyalty in the mainstream media, they are corporate owned entities that seek to turn a profit, and they don't care who they take down.
A sign of a mature adult is one that is not afraid to ask for help. Unlike Trump, I would want the best trained, most experienced, and most knowledgeable aides and advisors to help me become ready to take on such a tremendous responsibility. Being responsible for the safety of every US citizen, it's allies, and ultimately the planet, is not a joke, it's not a publicity stunt. The presidency is often frenetic and overwhelmed, sometimes isolated or maybe boring, repetitive, frustrating, and definitely a twenty-four hour responsibility. It is not so much Trump's lack of knowledge, he can hopefully learn anything he sets his mind to, if he is of sound mind. It is Donald's stubborn 'My Way or No Way" attitude that is sinking his ship. Mr. Trump, please just admit to America that you don't know it all but you are willing to learn it all because you take the office of POTUS very seriously. Unless of course you aren't willing to put in the work, and don't actually want the job, which would be fine by me.
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