If you have been watching the coverage of the current, never-ending, and endlessly sordid US Election 2016 coverage, you will have by now noticed that Donald J. Trump has some issues with 'Emotional Maturity'. Emotional Maturity is the ability of an adult person to respond to situations in appropriate and intellectual ways, as opposed to being led by emotions and having knee jerk over-the-top emotional tantrums whenever things don't meet one's expectations. The following is a good basic explanation of Emotional Maturity;
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Trump is a 70 years old grown-ass man, if he hasn't mastered emotional maturity by now, it just is not going to happen. But I have a theory I am playing with as to why 'The Donald' is so emotionally rash and childish in his everyday life, why he views everything in terms of winning or losing, weak or strong, and he reserves no space for facts to enter his rhetoric. Donald Trump is of the same generation as my father, also in his early 70s, and like my father and many of his contemporaries, there is a certain fascination with the Mob, Mafia, and the days of gangsters and pocket politicians, police, and judges. My father always loved to talk about Al Capone, about the Godfather movies, about that era of gangsters, prohibition, and making money hand over fist over gun.
I'll admit it, I also have watched the movies, enjoyed them, learned some of the history, but I see the whole era slightly differently than my father's generation might. I see the violence, the nepotism, the segregation of 'family' businesses by ethnic groups, and the 'family above all else' motto. I've watched the movies, some are among my top 100, and it is with a removed sense of thrill-seeking. You know that some stories are manufactured, some details embellished, there is a certain romance of the era, but it is interesting because it is so removed from my reality. I don't want that kind of life, to be part of a 'Mob' culture would be my worst nightmare. While many people from my father's generation on down the line still find mob lore to be captivating, we all pretty much agree that we don't want to actually live that kind of life, a life where one wrong move can mean a bloody end.
But what about our friend Donald? The man currently running for the highest possible public office in the land. Does Donald see these movies as an entertainment or escape, or does he see them as a roadmap for life? His actions right from the start of his business career suggest he is most happy to manipulate the system for his own gain. His embrace of the title "The King of Debt" is yet another nod to his penchant for screwing people over for his personal gain. We know he has claimed that the system is 'rigged', Donald says he knows this because he, unlike Hillary Clinton, has learned to make the most out of every rigged loophole he can find. He seems to revel in his eel like ability to slip through the legal cracks and screw over the 'little guy'.
Trump seems to have embraced the mobsters racist view of 'Jews' being the best to handle the money, something he has repeatedly said. The way he describes the life of the 'African American' community is hopelessly dated, incredibly racist, and seems to have come from watching too much bad 80s television. Donald Trump thinks that he is praising a minority group if he links them up to his prejudiced and dated stereotypes, when he is actually insulting every thinking feeling person, regardless of what group he assumes they belong to.
I am starting to really question what is driving Trump's desire to be President. You can only get down in the muck so many times until eventually the muck is all you know. We know that Trump had admitted to bankrupting at least four businesses, and there are likely more. He has no credit with most American lenders, owes money to the likes of Goldman Sachs, and has for some time been funding his developments with loans from outside the US. So who does Trump owe money to now? Is it possible that the people Trump owes money or favors to are one of the reasons he is seeking to have to power of the presidency? Is all his railing at Secretary of State Clinton's apparent 'pay-to-play' system just more projection on the part of a man who finally owes too much to too many to achieve parity with financial reparations? Is it possible that one or more foreign investors in Trump's business is seeking political payback?
Without getting too far down the 'conspiracy theory' road, the real point I am trying to make is that I fear that Donald J. Trump has patterned his entire life to resemble a Mafia Movie. Does he really think that bullying and threatening to sue everyone who disagrees with him is normal adult behaviour? Has he gotten so caught up in his world of real estate and casinos that he owes some cash to some very nasty people? Without his tax returns, we may never know the full truth about The Donald. If all we can evaluate is his current and past behaviour, his bigotry and misogyny, and his legal public documents, the picture looks very much like some cheesy wannabe 'Goodfellas' movie.
He is endlessly rocking his flagging yellowed pompadour, slick dark suits, hobnobbing with heads of state, politicians, and above all, grooming his children to take the helm of Trump Enterprises when he eventually decides who the next 'Don' will be. My money's on his two eldest sons, who are both following in their father's slimy footsteps, repeating his words and defending his business acumen. His salesman's schtick, his lack of basic information and limited vocabulary, all of these things are badges of pride to the Donald. He cares only for winning, for power, for recognition, and shows no concern or empathy for others. Being tough is his favorite trait, although to be truly mentally tough, you need to also be Emotionally Mature. Not so tough after all, are we Donald?
Just like every other facet of his person, Donald Trump's drive to be President of the United States has more to do with power and ego, and less to do with public service of any kind. If you look at Trump through the lens of a man trying to be a 'gangster', perhaps the most prolific of all time, you start to see the dots line up. He seems to actually believe that a movie series like 'The Godfather' is a guide to life and living well. He believes that he is the original 'Teflon Don', that no matter how much he manipulates and plays with the lives of others it is all worth it if he comes out unscathed. He is betting the american people think he is a smooth operator and 'winner', and he has an entire staff of people supporting his delusions, going on television trying to explain or excuse the inexcusable. The number of people coming to his defense in this election, his red hat wearing band of angry white males, the silent GOP, Fox "news" and Breitbart 'polls' are only feeding his delusions. Trump is not only emotionally immature, a likely sociopath, and delusional about his own stature, he is dangerous. People who think it would be fun to be in the mob generally are not people who have the funds to play the game. People who romanticize the violence, the lifestyle, and the dangers of a mobster mentality are not people who play well with others. I fear Trump has been playing the game with his Daddy's money, losing, and now putting the lives of every american citizen, and therefore every global citizen, in danger.
But then, this is just my own personal theory of Trump. Not that I had any difficulty finding images to use in this post, or sources for facts about Trump's past business practices. Trump himself likes to point out many of his own examples of being 'tough' and 'winning'. Don't take my word for it, there is plenty information on the subject to be had, including the VICE article entitled "A Brief History of Donald Trump and the Mafia", from earlier this year. CNN Politics has also covered this interesting topic in a July 2015 piece called "Donald Trump and the Mob". Just a theory.